Volkswagen looks to brighten up electric car sales with solar panels

Volkswagen is aiming to increase its appeal to EV customers by offering them the chance of taking a solar panel deal to cut the cost of recharging.

Volkswagen is aiming to increase its appeal to EV customers by offering them the chance of taking a solar panel deal to cut the cost of recharging.

Volkswagen is to offer a solar panel deal alongside chargers for its electric cars.

The German car maker says that will cut drivers’ costs by some 40% because they will be able to use excess solar energy to recharge their electric vehicles.

That figure is based on an estimate from UK energy efficiency organisation the Energy Saving Trust which says the average household can expect to pay around £7,000 (€8,200) for a 3.5 kWh solar panel system at peak times.

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Source: Euro News

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