Utility-scale may make all the news, but DG solar is incredibly important

With supply chain constraints easing and system costs decreasing, the commercial solar segment increased by 19% over the prior year.

The United States reached a milestone in its energy journey last year when, for the first time, solar power accounted for more than half of all new electricity-generating capacity added to the grid. It’s no surprise that the utility-scale segment contributed a majority of the solar capacity with a record 22.5 GW. Nor is it shocking that residential projects maintained their popularity with 6.8 GW of installed capacity — a fifth consecutive annual record.

But the distributed generation (DG) segment also had a remarkable year. With supply chain constraints easing and system costs decreasing, the commercial solar segment increased by 19% over the prior year and installed 1.9 GW of new capacity in 2023, while the community solar segment installed 1.1 GW.

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Source: Solar Power World

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