Tag Archive for: renewableenergy

Canada, US, and Mexico signed an agreement to lift Trump-era tariffs, after an independent panel said that the duties violated the provisions of existing trade agreements.

Canada, the United States, and Mexico signed an agreement to lift Trump-era tariffs, after an independent panel said that the duties violated the provisions of existing trade agreements.

Nearly half a year after an independent panel said that the Section 201 tariffs were not in compliance with the 2018 Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), the US government has agreed to lift those tariffs for Canadian-made solar products.

The three countries have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that Canadian Trade Minister Mary Ng said reflects the countries’ shared commitment to combat climate change and develop renewable energy.

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Source: PV Magazine

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Four companies are joining the board of directors of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Four companies, CEP Renewables, Kiewit Energy Group, Monarch Private Capital, and Moss & Associates, are joining the board of directors of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Additionally, the association named Laura Stern, co-CEO of Nautilus Solar Energy, vice-chair of its executive committee.

SEIA’s board of directors now consists of more than 50 companies from across the solar value chain, including installers, developers, manufacturers, financiers and service providers. SEIA is the national trade association for the U.S. solar and storage industries.

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Source: Clean Technica

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The Bay Area city is partnering with BlocPower to install thousands of heat pumps, solar panels and batteries by 2030.

Facebook’s hometown of Menlo Park, California, has struck a deal to decarbonize 95% of its buildings by 2030, replacing the city’s fossil-fuel infrastructure with climate-friendly heat pumps, solar panels and electric car chargers.

The wealthy Silicon Valley enclave on Wednesday announced a partnership with BlocPower, a New York-based company that, in founder Donnel Baird’s words, “turns buildings into Teslas.” In New York City, the startup coordinates and finances retrofits of apartment buildings, replacing natural-gas and oil boilers with high-efficiency heat pumps and solar panels. BlocPower has focused on low-income communities and last year the city of Ithaca, New York, chose the company to lead an initiative to decarbonize its building stock.

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Source: Bloomberg

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The Department of the Interior has issued final approval for construction of the Arica and Victory Pass solar projects near Desert Center in eastern Riverside County.

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. — The Department of the Interior has issued final approval for construction of the Arica and Victory Pass solar projects near Desert Center in eastern Riverside County, a significant milestone in the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to modernize America’s power infrastructure in the West and permit at least 25 gigawatts of solar, wind and geothermal production on public lands by 2025.

“The efficient deployment of renewable energy projects is crucial to lower costs for families, support good paying jobs, and achieve the Biden-Harris administration’s goal of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035,” said Laura Daniel-Davis, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management. “Combined with the historic investments from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we will continue to work in partnership with states, cities and Tribes to boost climate resiliency, advance clean energy projects, and replace aging infrastructure.”

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Source: US Department of the Interior

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The recent decision by the Biden administration to waive tariffs on solar panels from Southeast Asia gave the industry a much-needed boost

The solar energy industry in the U.S. has grown rapidly over the last decade, second only to wind power. But supply chain issues, made worse by the tariffs on solar panels manufactured in Southeast Asia, have been pushing costs up for the U.S. solar industry. This month, President Biden announced the waiving of certain tariffs on solar imports, sending stocks soaring, and potentially giving the sector a game-changing boost.

U.S. solar energy production increased from 1.82 TWh in 2011 to a giant 163.7 TWh in 2021, with significantly more sectoral growth than any renewable source other than wind. Solar photovoltaic (PV) installed capacity is now enough to power around 22 million homes, with solar power accounting for 50 percent of all new electricity-generating capacity added in the first quarter of 2022.

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Source: Oil Price

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The bill, AB 2316, establishes a state community renewable energy program making clean energy more accessible.

The California State Assembly passed a bill that will significantly expand community renewable energy in the state as well as increase grid reliability.

The bill, AB 2316, establishes a state community renewable energy program making clean energy more accessible, including to businesses regardless of whether they rent or own property. The law also includes energy storage requirements on community solar projects designed to increase grid reliability, which can help the state during power crunches as the result of high demand or natural events.

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Source: Environmental Leader

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Shell plans to construct a 50 MW solar park and a 50 MW wind farm in the Netherlands. They will both share the same connection point.

Shell has revealed plans to construct a hybrid wind-solar energy facility at an unspecified location in the Netherlands. The installation will consist of a 50 MW solar park and a 50 MW wind farm. They will both share the same connection point.

“This complementary nature of solar and wind can stabilize the intermittent nature of the energy production and maximize grid connection utilization, leading to significant benefits in terms of dispatchability, flexibility, and reliability,” Shell said, in reference to the grid capacity issues that are currently affecting renewable energy development in the country.

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Source: PV Magazine

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55,000 new solar power panels installed on 24 hectares in the territory of Vienna’s airport. Annual production is estimated at 30 GWh.

Austria’s capital city intends to reach climate neutrality by 2040 or ten years before the European Union as a whole. Transportation infrastructure is one of the most challenging segments of the economy, as such ambitious goals imply a swift transition to alternative energy technologies. The Vienna International Airport is spearheading decarbonization solutions on the local level.

Flughafen Wien Group claims it would eliminate its net emissions of carbon dioxide, in which the new solar power plant, the biggest one in the country, has a major role. The company, which also operates airports in Košice in Slovakia and in Malta, said the facility in Schwechat started producing electricity.

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Source: Balkan Green Energy News

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The estimated US electric power sector by June is 65 GW of utility-scale solar-generating capacity and 138 GW of wind capacity.

From Clean Technica:

In our Summer Electricity Outlook, a supplement to our May 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook, we expect the largest increases in U.S. electric power sector generation this summer will come from renewable energy sources. These increases are the result of new capacity additions. We forecast utility-scale solar generation between June and August 2022 will grow by 10 million megawatt-hours (MWh) compared with the same period last summer, and wind generation will grow by 8 million MWh. Forecast generation from coal and natural gas declines by 26 million MWh this summer, although natural gas generation could increase in some electricity markets where coal supplies are constrained.

Wind and solar power electric-generating capacity has been growing steadily in recent years. By the start of June, we estimate the U.S. electric power sector will have 65 gigawatts (GW) of utility-scale solar-generating capacity, a 31% increase in solar capacity since June 2021. Almost one-third of this new solar capacity will be built in the Texas electricity market. The electric power sector will also have an estimated 138 GW of wind capacity online this June, which is a 12% increase from last June.

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Source: Clean Technica

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Ford SA’s assembly plant is now generating 35% of its electricity needs onsite from a newly commissioned 13.5 MW solar carport system.

Ford South Africa’s assembly plant is now generating 35% of its electricity needs onsite from a newly commissioned 13.5 MW solar carport system. Through a long term Power Purchase Agreement with SolarAfrica, Ford will offset a significant amount of CO2 from the electricity it consumes from South Africa’s predominantly coal-powered grid. According to an announcement by Ford South Africa, 30,226 solar panels make up the large arrays covering carports for 3,610 vehicles at the Silverton assembly plant in Pretoria. The 13.5MW plant is one of the largest solar PV carports in the world and builds onto the Ford Motor Company’s global targets to use 100% carbon-free electricity across its manufacturing operations by 2035, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

“We are delighted to officially flip the switch and begin receiving 35 percent of our electricity from the solar carports with the completion of the first phase of our Project Blue Oval renewable energy programme,” says Ockert Berry, VP Operations, Ford South Africa. “This project proudly puts the Silverton Assembly Plant on the map as part of Ford’s commitment to sustainability as we migrate our energy supply from fossil fuels to environmentally-friendly, renewable resources.”

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Source: Clean Technica

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