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California's power grid remained largely unscathed by a nearly 3-week record-setting heat wave thanks to renewable energy and giant batteries

California’s power grid emerged from a nearly three-weeklong record-setting heat wave relatively unscathed, and officials are crediting years of investment in renewable energy — particularly giant batteries that store solar power for use when the sun stops shining.

“This was a good early test that we passed in very good shape,” said Elliot Mainzer, president and CEO of California Independent System Operator (CAISO), on Monday. “Investments in new clean energy and in dispatchable battery storage played a major role.”

CAISO last issued calls for voluntary conservation two years ago, during a 2022 bout of extreme heat. Since then, roughly 11,600 megawatts of new renewable energy sources have come onto California’s electricity grid.

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Source: The Sacramento Bee

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