Tag Archive for: california

California aims for carbon-neutral energy by 2045, requiring increased clean energy production and storage capacity.

California has a stated goal of making its energy production carbon neutral by 2045 — but in order to accomplish that goal, it will need to ramp up both its clean energy production and its clean energy storage capacity.

Now, efforts to turn an oil field into a geological thermal energy storage facility could be a big step in the right direction, YaleEnvironment360 reported.

Kern County has long relied on its oil fields for jobs. Now, with dirty, polluting energy sources like oil going out of fashion, the county is looking to turn toward clean energy production and storage instead.

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Source: TCD

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The LGP option will be the 1st state-wide implementation of emerging “flexible interconnection” innovations for distribution system resources

Efforts are accelerating to address the obstacles to interconnecting large distribution system resources like community solar and big box store rooftop solar arrays, advocates of recent reforms report.

Distribution system-connected resources, especially those in the 1 MW to 5 MW range, can offer flexibility to meet electricity demand spikes without requiring significant power system upgrades, the advocates said. But costs to increase system carrying capacity under current interconnection practices make many projects that require system upgrades uneconomic, they added.

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Source: Utility Dive

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Premier Resource Management LLC is transforming a 560-acre former oil reservoir in the San Joaquin Valley into a geothermal power plant that also stores renewable energy

Part of the solution to California’s ambitious decarbonization goals may, ironically enough, be found in the state’s oil patch.

On a 560-acre plot of land in a dusty portion of the San Joaquin Valley, Premier Resource Management LLC has partnered with some of the nation’s top energy laboratories on a pilot program to take an abandoned oil reservoir and convert it to a geothermal power plant that can also store renewable energy underground for weeks at a time, instead of just a few hours.

The electricity at the site could flow to an already existing substation nearby, with the megawatts then dispersed into California’s power grid.

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Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

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GCSE’s Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan would enable family farms to lease land for clean energy projects and increase water efficiency

California community choice aggregator MCE and developer Golden State Clean Energy (GSCE) have partnered to work on a solar and storage project in California, the first in a plan to install up 20GW of solar and 20GW of storage.

MCE and GSCE will work on a solar and battery energy storage system (BESS) project as part of a development programme known as the Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan.

The Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan aims to repurpose up to 130,000 acres of drainage-impaired or water-challenged lands in the Westlands Water District in Fresno County. The District is the largest agricultural water district in the US at 614,000 acres, or 2,400 square kilometres, and serves the agricultural sector.

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Source: Energy Storage News

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CA is home to thousands of solar businesses – most of which are small businesses – that employ more than 78,000 people across the state.

Greater Palm Springs has long been known as the place to be for fun in the sun, but extreme heatwaves have many residents focused on a more basic goal: beat the heat.

The sweltering temperatures that the Coachella Valley is enduring this summer – and the stress the heat places on the electric grid – highlight the importance of solar power, energy storage and federal policies that are driving the clean energy economy.

When folks crank up the air conditioning to stay cool, demand on the grid soars, and Californians experience the benefits of solar whether they realize it or not. The hottest times of the day are often when solar production peaks and energy storage technology allows homes and businesses to run their AC with confidence at all hours.

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Source: Desert Sun

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California lawmakers are crafting a end-of-session package of proposed laws to streamline building solar and offshore wind energy projects.

California lawmakers are crafting a end-of-session package of proposed laws that could streamline the building of solar and offshore wind energy projects, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Democratic legislators, who have shared drafts with environmental groups, industry, lobbyists and other interested parties, are negotiating the details with Gov. Gavin Newsom. The talks among staff in the state Senate and Assembly and Newsom’s office are being held behind closed doors and the proposals are not yet public. California’s legislative session ends Aug. 31.

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Source: LAist

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GSCE and MCE agreed to collaborate toward California's clean energy future by developing solar+battery storage projects in Fresno County.

Golden State Clean Energy (GSCE) and MCE have agreed to work together toward California’s clean energy future, building much needed solar + battery storage resources in Fresno County. The master-planned development program known as the Valley Clean Infrastructure Plan aims to repurpose up to 130,000 acres of drainage-impaired or water-challenged lands within Westlands Water District in Fresno County to develop transmission infrastructure, solar generation and storage.

At full buildout the plan will include up to 20 GW of solar and 20 MW of energy storage, potentially providing up to one-sixth of California’s electricity requirements in 2035. MCE has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with GSCE for up to 400 MW each of solar and battery storage.

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Source: Solar Power World

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Tesla’s virtual power plant (VPP) in California delivered 100 MW of power to help the grid not use gas peaker plants yesterday.

Tesla’s virtual power plant (VPP) in California delivered 100 MW of power to help the grid not use gas peaker plants yesterday.

It’s peaker plant season in California. Heat waves are hitting the region, people are cranking up their ACs, and it is putting quite a load on the electrical grid.

Tesla has been using virtual power plants to aggregate its distributed energy systems, rooftop solar and Powerwall, to provide grid services and get more value for their customers.

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Source: electrek

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New study in the journal Risk Analysis finds that strategically placing resilience hubs in CA could generate up to 8GW of solar energy

Power outages are on the rise nationwide as climate change brings more frequent wildfires, heat waves, and severe weather events. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state of California have both recently established funding to help communities create “resilience hubs” that rely on solar+battery systems to provide emergency power for residents.

A new study in the journal Risk Analysis finds that strategically placing resilience hubs throughout California could generate up to 8 GW of solar energy and lower the state’s carbon emissions by 5 million tons per year.

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Source: Tech Xplore

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For part of almost every day this spring, California produced more electricity than it needed from renewable sources.

Something approaching a miracle has been taking place in California this spring. Beginning in early March, for some portion of almost every day, a combination of solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower has been producing more than a hundred per cent of the state’s demand for electricity. Some afternoons, solar panels alone have produced more power than the state uses. And, at night, large utility-scale batteries that have been installed during the past few years are often the single largest source of supply to the grid—sending the excess power stored up during the afternoon back out to consumers across the state. It’s taken years of construction—and solid political leadership in Sacramento—to slowly build this wave, but all of a sudden it’s cresting into view. California has the fifth-largest economy in the world and, in the course of a few months, the state has proved that it’s possible to run a thriving modern economy on clean energy.

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Source: The New Yorker

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