South Africa now has over 12GW of wind & solar generation capacity

Homes and businesses in South Africa have added 3,526 Megawatts of rooftop solar in just a span of two years!

South African homes and businesses have added 3,526 MW of rooftop solar in just two years! It is just wonderful to see how fast electricity generation capacity can be added from rooftop solar. According to data from South Africa’s national electricity utility company, Eskom, there were about 2,264.5 MW of rooftop solar PV installed in South Africa as of July 2022. According to Eskom’s latest update, South African homes and businesses have now installed 5,790.5 MW of solar PV.

The distributed solar sector has been growing at a much faster rate than South Africa’s utility-scale renewables programme. South Africa started off well in this area over a decade ago with its Renewable Independent Power Producer Programme (REIPPP), which is aimed at bringing additional megawatts onto the country’s electricity system through private sector investment in wind, biomass, and small hydro, among others. Since its inception, REIPPP has successfully added 6,430.2 MW to South Africa’s energy mix.

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Source: Clean Technica

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