Solar-powered freshwater system enhances maternal health in Mozambique

LONGi has collaborated with the project Vita to donate a solar-powered freshwater system to a maternity clinic in Linga Linga, Mozambique.

LONGi, a prominent solar technology manufacturer, and Senergia, a Swedish solar energy wholesaler, have collaborated with the non-profit organization Project Vita to donate a solar-powered freshwater system to a maternity clinic in Linga Linga, Mozambique. The project, completed in May 2024, included the construction of a water tower and the installation of LONGi solar panels to power a water pump, supplying fresh water to the clinic. Since its completion, the system has benefited 58 newborns.

Project Vita’s founder, Michel Olofsson, highlighted the essential role of hygiene in maternity clinics, pointing out the severe lack of fresh, running water in rural Africa, which is crucial for reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. The partnership has been instrumental in addressing this critical need.

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Source: Environment Energy Leader

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