Solar Industry News

A firsthand look at a California solar farm with ​‘earth-mounted’ panels

Erthos wants to reinvent solar farms with ground-mounted panels that it says can reduce utility solar costs by 20 percent.

Solar-fueled arbitrage potential supercharging storage economics in Western US

Utility-scale battery energy storage system capacity in the West region of the US is forecast to grow exponentially over the next decade.

Thumbtack reveals ranking of the most solar cities in the US ahead of Earth Day

Thumbtack revealed the list of the ‘Most Solar Cities in the U.S.’ based on data from millions of home projects booked from across all 50 states.

America needs clean electricity. These states show how to do it.

Today, the United States is running a natural experiment in electricity generation, with a patchwork of policies and power grids.

‘Entering the clean power era’: Wind and solar generated a record amount of global power in 2022

An analysis by independent climate think tank Ember found that 12% of the world’s power came from solar and wind in 2022.

SDSU & Cuyamaca College to share in federally funded clean energy project

SDSU and Cuyamaca College have been chosen as part of a US DOE program intended to streamline career paths for students interested in the clean energy economy.

Billionaire Tom Steyer plans net zero apartment upgrades across US

Tom Steyer’s Galvanize Climate Solutions will acquire residential properties and retrofit them with the goal of deep emissions reductions.

DOE offers $450 Million for green energy projects at coal mining sites

The US DOE announced the availability of $450M through the 2021 BIL for clean energy projects — like solar farms — on mining sites.

California produces 26% of US solar power

California produced 26% of the national utility-scale solar electricity followed by Texas with 16% and North Carolina with 8%.

Growing California power system reliability threats could be relieved by a price signal based on RTP linked to smart customer-owned resources

Real-time pricing and demand flexibility targeted to ease California outages

Growing California power system reliability threats could be relieved by a price signal based on RTP linked to smart customer-owned resources.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The Gamma prototype solar-electric vehicle made its public debut at the Fully Charged Live 2022 expo in San Diego

Aptera solar EV prototype makes public debut in San Diego

The Gamma prototype solar-electric vehicle made its public debut at the Fully Charged Live 2022 expo in San Diego.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
With soaring energy prices at the pumps and in homes, the solar-powered car could well be the solution for transport

Solar-powered cars: Solving the issue of high fuel prices and low EV charging capacity

With soaring energy prices at the pumps and in homes, the solar-powered car could well be the solution for transport.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050, an Oxford University study says.

Switching to renewable energy could save trillions says Oxford study

Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050, an Oxford University study says.
September 14, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Luna Battery Storage, a 100MW/400MWh BESS project in CA is now online and serving community choice aggregator Clean Power Alliance.

Debt-financed battery project serving California non-profit energy supplier

Luna Battery Storage, a 100MW/400MWh BESS project in CA, is now online and serving community choice aggregator Clean Power Alliance.
September 14, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The heat wave stressed CA’s electric grid but, distributed customer-sited batteries, charged by solar panels, helped keep the lights on.

Residential solar batteries helped California’s grid with peak power during heatwave

California's recent heat wave stressed the state's electric grid, but distributed customer-sited batteries, charged by solar panels, helped keep the lights on.
September 13, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 extended that tax credit for the decade to come, and we can expect solid continued growth again.

Inflation Reduction Act to give US solar energy industry a much needed boost

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 extended the solar tax credit for the decade to come and should provide solid continued growth in the sector.
September 13, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Japan developed the system for remote control cyborg cockroaches, with wireless control module, rechargeable batteries and tiny solar cell.

Cyborg cockroaches stay charged by carrying tiny solar panels

Japan developed a system for remote control cyborg cockroaches, with wireless control module, rechargeable batteries and a tiny solar cell.
September 12, 2022/by Panel The Planet
SolarBotanic Trees has launched its new PV 3D leaf-shaped nano-technology "solar tree” to harness solar energy for charging and energy storage

UK-based firm launches 3D leaf-shaped solar charging stations

SolarBotanic Trees has launched its new PV 3D leaf-shaped nano-technology "solar tree” to harness solar energy for charging and energy storage.
September 11, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Protecting the orchard without reducing the available growing surface, with solar electricity being generated on the same land.

Sweet return: German farmer gets both solar power and apples

Solar panels covering Christian Nachtwey's farm in Germany generate electricity and protect the orchard without reducing the available growing surface.
September 10, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Nearly 1TW of under-development solar and wind generation globally could be constructed in the next three years if permitting is accelerated

Faster permitting could bring nearly 1TW of solar and wind to construction in three years

Nearly 1TW of under-development solar and wind generation globally could be constructed in the next three years if permitting is accelerated.
September 9, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Sunnova Energy is seeking permission from state regulators to develop microgrids for new housing developments that don't rely on established electric utilities.

A solar firm plans to build off-grid neighborhoods in California

Solar company Sunnova Energy is seeking permission to develop microgrids for new housing developments that don't rely on electric utilities.
September 8, 2022/by Panel The Planet
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