Solar Industry News

Solar panels handle heat better when they’re combined with crops

New study finds that an optimal arrangement of solar panels on farms can cool the panels down by 10 degrees—crucial for their efficiency.

Solar can now power one in five US homes

There are now more than 140 gigawatts of solar capacity installed in the US, enough to power 25 million homes.

Turning America into a solar manufacturing powerhouse

Dozens of companies throughout the solar supply chain have made more than 40 domestic manufacturing announcements valued at more than $13B.

Solar arrays at treatment plant are paying off

Supt. Jason Gagnon said new solar arrays have resulted in a total reduction of $195,855 in electrical costs at the precinct’s Wastewater Treatment Facility.

How solar roofs are being used to power electric cars

For about 40 years, car companies, startups and DIY enthusiasts have been pursuing the plug-less electric car, one that could wirelessly recharge via photons.

California grid needs $9.3 billion upgrade in renewables shift

California’s power grid operator says $9.3B in new projects is needed over the next decade to support the state’s shift to renewable energy and plug-in cars.

Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) signs 20 year solar PPA

EDF Renewables North America inked a 20-year PPA with SCPPA for the energy and renewable attributes related to the 117 MWac Sapphire Solar project

California churches meet their sustainability goals through solar energy & energy efficiency

Two churches in California are now certified Green Chalice, meaning they completed a program to lower their carbon footprints by installing solar panels.

Australia hits new rooftop solar record

Residential rooftop solar supplied a record 14% of Australia’s electricity this summer – contributing more than brown coal and large-scale wind farms.

Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy purchased 2,000 acres in WV that will provide solar energy, creating as many as 1,000 jobs.

How Berkshire Hathaway Energy escaped ‘The Coal Trap’

Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy purchased 2,000 acres in WV that will provide solar energy, creating as many as 1,000 jobs.
September 21, 2022/by Panel The Planet
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a package of bills aimed at moving away from reliance on fossil fuel-based energy

California governor signs sweeping climate legislation

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a package of bills aimed at moving away from reliance on fossil fuel-based energy.
September 20, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The IRA is going to transform America’s energy economy, and the forecasts show a wave of clean energy and manufacturing investments

US Solar installs to get 40% boost on climate law, report says

According to studies, the Inflation Reduction Act is going to transform America’s energy economy with a wave of clean energy and manufacturing investments.
September 20, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Community solar project developers say more generous tax credits under the new climate law will help them make a big push using tax credits.

Community solar developers see sunny opportunity in tax credits

Community solar project developers say more generous tax credits under the new climate law will help them make a big push using tax credits.
September 19, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Last week, California’s power grid was strained to the limit in the midst of a searing heat wave but was saved by their consumers.

Opinion: Californians saved the grid again. They should be paid more for it

Last week, California’s power grid was strained to the limit in the midst of a searing heat wave but was saved by their consumers.
September 18, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Africa leads the way in terms of the average potential of solar energy around the world, finds Statista.

Africa leads the world in solar power potential, research finds

Africa leads the way in terms of the average potential of solar energy around the world, says research from Statista.
September 18, 2022/by Panel The Planet
USC-LADWP will provide a quarter of USC’s electricity with power from a solar farm in Mojave and will contribute to new solar programs.

USC-LADWP agreement taps into offsite solar power

USC-LADWP will provide a quarter of USC’s electricity with power from a solar farm in Mojave and will contribute to new solar programs.
September 17, 2022/by Panel The Planet
California’s new program will go beyond conventional community-solar design by stipulating requirements to serve equity and just-transition goals

California is finally unlocking community solar for the masses

California's new program will go beyond conventional community-solar design by stipulating requirements to serve equity and just-transition goals.
September 16, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Growing California power system reliability threats could be relieved by a price signal based on RTP linked to smart customer-owned resources

Real-time pricing and demand flexibility targeted to ease California outages

Growing California power system reliability threats could be relieved by a price signal based on RTP linked to smart customer-owned resources.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The Gamma prototype solar-electric vehicle made its public debut at the Fully Charged Live 2022 expo in San Diego

Aptera solar EV prototype makes public debut in San Diego

The Gamma prototype solar-electric vehicle made its public debut at the Fully Charged Live 2022 expo in San Diego.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
With soaring energy prices at the pumps and in homes, the solar-powered car could well be the solution for transport

Solar-powered cars: Solving the issue of high fuel prices and low EV charging capacity

With soaring energy prices at the pumps and in homes, the solar-powered car could well be the solution for transport.
September 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050, an Oxford University study says.

Switching to renewable energy could save trillions says Oxford study

Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050, an Oxford University study says.
September 14, 2022/by Panel The Planet
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