Solar Industry News

Florida’s only rice mill turns to solar power

The only known rice mill in Florida will now be using a 900-panel solar array and a Tesla Megapack battery to power its operations.

Long-duration energy storage: The time is now

States with decarbonization goals must plan and prepare for ways to access energy when they need it. Investing in long-duration energy storage (LDES) is the solution.

California hits new record for renewable energy generation

Including solar, wind & nuclear power as well as hydroelectricity via large dams, 59% of CA’s electricity now comes from carbon-free sources.

Solar accounted for 16% of California’s electricity sales in 2021

In total, solar accounted for 15.9% of the California’s retail electricity sales in 2021, the highest among all renewable energy sources.

CSBC proposes $400M investment in community solar + storage

The California Senate Budget Committee (CSBC) proposed a $400M community solar & storage investment in its updated Budget and Fiscal Review.

Global solar power investment to surpass oil for the first time

Solar is emerging as an energy superpower with this year’s investment in the sector ($380B) set to surpass spending on oil production ($370B) for the first time.

Scientists break world record for solar power window material

Scientists have achieved a new world record for a next-generation solar cell, which holds the promise for novel applications like building-integrated and window solar panels.

California teaches Florida and Texas a lesson in ESG

California’s innovation and prosperity are the consequence of stakeholder-centric environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies.

Governor Newsom updates the roadmap to California’s clean energy future

Governor Gavin Newsom today released an update on the state’s clean energy progress and an implementation plan to reach future targets.

McDonald's and five logistics partners signed agreements to buy about 190 megawatts of power from the Blue Jay Solar farm.

McDonald’s strikes solar deal to power US supply chain

McDonald's and five logistics partners signed agreements to buy about 190 megawatts of power from the Blue Jay Solar farm.
December 20, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Solar panels placed over parking spaces are among the many options that can help companies get closer to their sustainability goals.

Four amazing benefits of adding parking lot solar panel canopies

Solar panels placed over parking spaces are among the many options that can help companies get closer to their sustainability goals.
December 19, 2022/by Panel The Planet
All new houses in Tokyo built by large-scale homebuilders after April 2025 must install solar power panels to cut household carbon emissions.

Tokyo makes solar panels mandatory for new homes to be built after 2025

All new houses in Tokyo built by large-scale homebuilders after April 2025 must install solar power panels to cut household carbon emissions.
December 18, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The policy approved unanimously by the California Public Utilities Commission lessens the overall payment for selling excess power.

California lowers incentives for rooftop solar panels

NEM 3.0 was approved unanimously by the California Public Utilities Commission, lessening the overall payment for selling excess power.
December 17, 2022/by Panel The Planet
If the US passed the same solar-panels-on-parking-lots law as France, we would have 4,822 square miles on which to install solar.

The overlooked solar power potential of America’s parking lots

If the US passed the same solar-panels-on-parking-lots law as France, we would have 4,822 square miles on which to install solar.
December 16, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Solar is likely to be fastest growing energy sub section in 2023 with demand set to increase 20-30%, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.

Solar demand readied to soar in 2023

Solar is likely to be fastest growing energy sub section in 2023 with demand set to increase 20-30%, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.
December 15, 2022/by Panel The Planet
DOE announced $8 million for six solar energy research projects across six states and the District of Columbia that supports agrivoltaics.

DOE announces $8M to integrate solar energy production with farming

DOE announced $8 million for six solar energy research projects across six states and the District of Columbia that supports agrivoltaics.
December 14, 2022/by Panel The Planet
The bill would create a tax incentive for companies to build solar canopies in large parking lots to boost local clean electricity generation.

Senate Bill introduced to incentivize solar carport deployment in California

A newly proposed bill would create a tax incentive for companies to build solar canopies in large parking lots to boost local clean electricity generation.
December 13, 2022/by Panel The Planet
Origo Investments with industry veterans Amond World to develop a refrigerated cold storage facility in the Madera Airport Industrial Park.

Off-grid solar + storage microgrid designed for CA almond cold storage facility

Origo Investments with industry veterans Amond World to develop a refrigerated cold storage facility in the Madera Airport Industrial Park.
December 12, 2022/by Panel The Planet
UC Davis' Scientists are investigating how to better harvest the sun to make agrivoltaic systems more efficient in arid agricultural regions.

Harvesting light to grow food and clean energy together

UC Davis' Scientists are investigating how to better harvest the sun to make agrivoltaic systems more efficient in arid agricultural regions.
December 11, 2022/by Panel The Planet
ACEEE published its ranking of all 50 states and Washington, D.C., which looked at how states instituted energy efficiency policies.

California earns top marks in new energy efficiency scorecard

ACEEE published its ranking of all 50 states and Washington, D.C., which looked at how states instituted energy efficiency policies.
December 10, 2022/by Panel The Planet
At least $25.7B in new US clean-energy factories are in the works. Most of these projects and jobs are in traditionally conservative states.

Green factories are changing minds in more conservative US states

At least $25.7B in new US clean-energy factories are in the works. Most of these projects and jobs are in traditionally conservative states.
December 8, 2022/by Panel The Planet
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