Solar Industry News

Biden’s climate law is reshaping private investment in the United States

Private investment in clean energy projects surged after President Biden signed an expansive climate bill into law last year.

IKEA is kicking off a solar car park push in the US

IKEA announced that it’s adding solar car parks, more solar on store rooftops, and battery energy storage systems to seven of its US stores.

California legislators approve America’s most expansive greenhouse gas emissions disclosure rules for big business

Major corporations would have to disclose their direct greenhouse gas emissions under legislation passed Monday by California lawmakers.

Sonoma County boosts green energy infrastructure with new mobile, solar-powered EV charging stations

Sonoma County has purchased 3 mobile solar-powered EV charging stations to support zero-emission vehicles and mitigate ongoing climate disruption.

Sesame Solar and Watergen partner on mobile nanogrids that provide power and drinking water

Sesame Solar and Watergen’s collaboration provides a source of safe, clean water for both drinking and renewable energy production.

This year’s rooftop solar installations expected to break last year’s record, experts say

The number of solar residential installations continues to climb every year and to break records. A government estimate shows how much.

Former rubbish dump in Essex becomes UK’s third largest solar farm

The Ockendon solar farm, formerly a rubbish dump, includes more than 100,000 solar modules covering 173 acres and is the third largest solar farm in the UK.

US solar installations expected to be a record 32 GW in 2023

The US solar industry is expecting to install an unprecedented 32GW of new capacity in 2023, according to the SEIA and Wood Mackenzie.

Low-income households are getting help from a free solar rooftop program

As a result of a state program called Transformative Climate Communities, low income families like the Zúñigas get their solar panels for free.

Floating solar panel systems not just provide clean power and leave no land footprint, but also conserve water by preventing evaporation.

Long popular in Asia, floating solar catches on in US

Floating solar panel systems don't just provide clean power and leave no land footprint, but also conserve water by preventing evaporation.
May 16, 2023/by Panel The Planet
Agrivoltaics has other benefits besides dual land use and food security; it could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make more efficient use of water.

Could growing crops under solar panels provide food and energy at the same time?

Agrivoltaics has other benefits besides dual land use and food security; it could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make more efficient use of water.
May 15, 2023/by Panel The Planet
A 49.9MW solar farm will be the first in the UK to feed electricity directly into the transmission network.

UK’s first transmission-connected solar farm goes live

A 49.9MW solar farm will be the first in the UK to feed electricity directly into the transmission network.
May 14, 2023/by Panel The Planet
Community solar is a great option for those who can’t put solar panels on their roofs because of different reasons.

5 community solar projects are coming to disadvantaged communities in California

The Community Solar Green Tariff (CS-GT) enables residential customers in disadvantaged communities (DACs) to benefit from solar energy.
May 13, 2023/by Panel The Planet
The Dutch province of North Brabant will deploy a 500-meter-long solar bike line and test its performance over a 5-year period.

Construction begins on solar cycling path in Netherlands

The Dutch province of North Brabant will deploy a 500-meter-long solar bike line and test its performance over a 5-year period.
May 12, 2023/by Panel The Planet
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan officially inaugurated what is said to be Europe’s biggest solar power plant built on a single site and one of the five largest in the world

Türkiye officially launches Europe’s largest solar power plant

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan officially inaugurated what is said to be Europe’s biggest solar power plant built on a single site and one of the five largest in the world.
May 11, 2023/by Panel The Planet
India’s solar program met its original twenty-thousand-megawatt goal four years early, and went on to set higher goals; by 2023, the country had more than 60,000MW of solar capacity installed.

India’s quest to build the world’s largest solar farms

India’s solar program met its original twenty-thousand-megawatt goal four years early and went on to set higher goals.
May 10, 2023/by Panel The Planet
The microclimate created underneath the solar panels conserves the water and protects plants from excess sun, wind, hail and soil erosion.

How shading crops with solar panels can improve farming, lower food costs and reduce emissions

Agrivoltaic farming can help meet Canada’s food and energy needs and reduce its fossil fuel reliance and greenhouse gas emissions in the future.
May 9, 2023/by Panel The Planet
Environmental groups argue that the CPUC acted illegally when it slashed compensation payments for power generated by solar panels.

Environmentalists sue California over reduced solar incentives

Three environmental groups have sued California, arguing that the CPUC acted illegally when slashing compensation payments for power generated by solar.
May 8, 2023/by Panel The Planet
Enel North America has named Oklahoma as its preferred choice for its planned 3-gigawatt (GW) solar panel and cell factory.

Oklahoma is about to get one of the largest solar cell factories in the US

Enel North America has named Oklahoma as its preferred choice for its planned 3-gigawatt (GW) solar panel and cell factory.
May 8, 2023/by Panel The Planet
With solar farms, the US agriculture industry once again demonstrates its ability to embrace new technologies and practices.

Army of butterflies to win solar farm wars, despite opposition

With solar farms, the US agriculture industry once again demonstrates its ability to embrace new technologies and practices.
May 7, 2023/by Panel The Planet
In the first six months after the bill passed, clean energy companies announced 101,036 new jobs in 31 states.

More California oil and gas workers make the jump to clean energy

In the first six months after the Inflation Reduction Act bill passed, clean energy companies announced 101,036 new jobs in 31 states.
May 7, 2023/by Panel The Planet
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