Solar Industry News

Italian municipality offers free EV recharging via off-grid PV shade

The municipality of Falconara Marittima, Italy, has installed a free off-grid PV shade for electric vehicle charging at no cost to users.

A solar-power plane being tested off the Mississippi coast is pushing the limits of flight

Skydweller has the wingspan of a 747 jet, only 5,000 lbs., will fly without a pilot at speeds of around 35mph and altitudes up to 40,000ft.

Floating solar array is designed to take the rough stuff

The idea of floating solar panels on reservoirs and other calm waters has already taken hold. Sending them off to sea is another matter of next-level engineering.

Hydrogen facility proposed in western Kern would run on solar power, wastewater

Wastewater, PV solar arrays & available space may come together to create renewable fuel for California’s nascent hydrogen fuel cell market.

Reshaping the solar landscape with aerial imagery

Aerial imagery provides location intelligence and detailed insights, empowering engineers to design solar farms with laser-sharp precision.

Solar and green steel: A growing symbiotic relationship

The photovoltaic and steel industries can work together to meet climate targets and develop a greener manufacturing environment.

California approves use of DER schedules to avoid grid impact

The CPUC issued a significant decision allowing renewable energy systems to be approved to interconnect to the electric grid using LGP.

Largest floating solar array in Southeast US unveiled in Central Florida

The largest floating solar array in the Southeast US is officially generating clean energy in Central Florida.

Sicily produces photovoltaic energy and good wine together

The Cantine Vaccaro vineyard lives in perfect harmony with photovoltaic panels, a part of the “Agrivoltaico Open Labs” initiative in Italy.

Meta has signed a 330MW solar Environmental Attributes Purchase Agreement (EAPA) with Adapture Renewables in Arkansas and Illinois.

Meta signs 330MW renewable energy agreements in Illinois and Arkansas

Meta has signed a 330MW solar Environmental Attributes Purchase Agreement (EAPA) with Adapture Renewables in Arkansas and Illinois.
January 9, 2024/by Panel The Planet
TX leads the nation in clean & renewable energy production due to its geography, federal energy subsidies, deregulated energy market, and state-run energy grid.

Texas’ unique energy industry is helping the state become a renewables leader

TX leads the nation in clean & renewable energy production due to its geography, federal energy subsidies, deregulated energy market, and state-run energy grid.
January 8, 2024/by Panel The Planet
SunZia, a massive clean energy project in the US Southwest, has closed $11 billion non-recourse financing and launched full construction.

The largest clean energy project in US history closes $11B, starts full construction

SunZia, a massive clean energy project in the US Southwest, has closed $11 billion non-recourse financing and launched full construction.
January 7, 2024/by Panel The Planet
A new agrivoltaic project aims to enlist bifacial solar panels and saffron in the effort to save small farms with new specialty crops.

Solar panels meet saffron in new agrivoltaic project

A new agrivoltaic project aims to enlist bifacial solar panels and saffron in the effort to save small farms with new specialty crops.
January 6, 2024/by Panel The Planet
The Solar City micro EV from Squad Mobility is a small, cheap, and green car that can zip through the city streets without using any gas.

Don’t judge this solar car just by its size

The Solar City micro EV from Squad Mobility is a small, cheap, and green car that can zip through the city streets without using any gas.
January 5, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Floating power plants save on land, could usher in new ways to harness renewables. Here are the world's biggest floating solar farms.

The world’s biggest floating solar farms

Floating power plants save on land, could usher in new ways to harness renewables. Here are the world's biggest floating solar farms.
January 4, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Clean energy is often now the least expensive. The IEA projected that more than 440GW of renewable energy would be added in 2023.

The year in clean energy: Wind, solar and batteries grow despite economic challenges

Clean energy is often now the least expensive. The IEA projected that more than 440GW of renewable energy would be added in 2023.
January 3, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Urban mining recovers silver, copper, aluminium, glass and silicone -- all commodities that have a value on the open market.

‘Urban Mining’ offers green solution to old solar panels

Urban mining recovers silver, copper, aluminum, glass and silicone -- all commodities that have a value on the open market and can be used for renewables.
January 2, 2024/by Panel The Planet
The new solar-powered concept, which fabricates a DNA hydrogel matrix, incorporates the ability to absorb sunlight and reduce the amount of energy required to evaporate water.

Scientists find new way to desalinate seawater using solar power, study says

A new solar-powered concept, which fabricates a DNA hydrogel matrix, incorporates sunlight absorption to reduce the amount of energy required to evaporate water.
January 1, 2024/by Panel The Planet
The thin-film solar modules are much more adaptable to agricultural situations than regular panels due to their flexible, lightweight design.

Thin-film solar is the future of agrivoltaics

The thin-film solar modules are much more adaptable to agricultural situations than regular panels due to their flexible, lightweight design.
December 31, 2023/by Panel The Planet
SCE supports solar panel installation on affordable apartments in Orange to save residents money and help reduce their carbon footprint.

Bringing solar power to apartment tenants

SCE supports solar panel installation on affordable apartments in Orange to save residents money and help reduce their carbon footprint.
December 30, 2023/by Panel The Planet
Even after an appeals court rejected a lawsuit to overturn new solar panel regulations, environmental advocates still won't give up.

Solar power advocates say they’re not done fighting California’s new solar rules yet

Even after an appeals court rejected a lawsuit to overturn new solar panel regulations, environmental advocates still won't give up.
December 29, 2023/by Panel The Planet
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