Solar Industry News

New rules to overhaul electric grids could boost wind and solar power

The FERC approved the biggest changes in more than a decade to the way U.S. power lines are planned and funded.

US surpasses 5 million solar installations

The US has officially exceeded 5M solar installations, marking another milestone just 8yrs after the nation reached 1M installations in 2016.

California farmers are low on water. Why not help them go solar?

Let’s make it easier and cheaper for farmers with dwindling water supplies to convert their lands to solar energy generation.

PG&E announces 6 new remote microgrids coming in 2024

PG&E is using remote microgrids to eliminate overhead distribution lines in high fire threat areas, reducing wildfire risks.

Sustainability at sea: Sunreef is integrating recycled plastic bottles into solar electric yachts

Sunreef shared a new sustainability strategy and is now integrating recycled PET bottles into its solar electric yacht production process.

Napa to consider floating solar panels at NapaSan plant

A solar project come to Napa County — floating panels on 56 acres of Napa Sanitation District ponds and two miles of new transmission lines.

Largest VPP in USA supports California’s grid with 16,200 home solar-plus-storage systems

Sunrun has networked more than 16,200 customers’ solar+storage systems to support California’s electrical grid during the hot summer months.

$500M+ raised to build clean power plants for low income communities

Solar developer Nexamp has raised an impressive $520 million to build community solar projects across the US.

How four health systems are saving money with renewable energy

Hospitals are seeking to offset their expenses any way they can and some pursuing renewable energy that will save money in the long run.

Federal & state government officials announced a new project to place solar panels on the water in the Delta-Mendota Canal.

New canal project expands on UC Merced solar research

Federal & state government officials announced a new project to place solar panels on the water in the Delta-Mendota Canal.
April 13, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Calpine’s billion-dollar, 680-megawatt project in Menifee will be one of the biggest batteries in the U.S. when it comes online this summer.

This California city is trading an old gas plant for a giant grid battery

Calpine’s billion-dollar, 680-megawatt project in Menifee will be one of the biggest batteries in the U.S. when it comes online this summer.
April 12, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Researchers at Germany’s Frauhofer ISE analyzed the performance of a residential heat pump connected to a rooftop PV system w/ battery storage

Residential heat pumps linked to solar-plus-storage achieve higher seasonal performance factor

Researchers at Germany’s Frauhofer ISE analyzed the performance of a residential heat pump connected to a rooftop PV system w/ battery storage
April 11, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Utilities tend to treat solar & batteries as threats to their power grids. CA’s policy will now tap their flexible power to benefit the grid.

California’s new rules allow solar and batteries to help out the grid

Utilities tend to treat solar & batteries as threats to their power grids. CA’s policy will now tap their flexible power to benefit the grid.
April 10, 2024/by Panel The Planet
A research team at DGIST in South Korea has unveiled an ingenious device that enhances solar power generation by keeping panels clean.

Self-cleaning solar panels boost efficiency with wind power

A research team at DGIST in South Korea has unveiled an ingenious device that enhances solar power generation by keeping panels clean.
April 9, 2024/by Panel The Planet
USDA is investing close to $6M in 9 renewable energy projects throughout CA to lower energy costs, generate new income, and support farmers & rural small business

Energy projects aim to strengthen California farms

USDA is investing close to $6M in 9 renewable energy projects throughout CA to lower energy costs, generate new income, and support farmers & rural small business
April 8, 2024/by Panel The Planet
California’s grid operator proposes $6.1B in transmission projects aimed at increasing reliability and providing access to solar, geothermal & wind resources in AZ, NV, NM and offshore.

California grid operator proposes $6.1 billion in transmission projects

California’s grid operator proposes $6.1B in transmission projects aimed at increasing reliability and providing access to solar, geothermal & wind resources in AZ, NV, NM and offshore.
April 8, 2024/by Panel The Planet
California State University – Dominguez Hills has new off-grid solar powered benches on its campus that provides off-grid wireless charging.

Off-grid solar bench with wireless charging and Wi-Fi

California State University – Dominguez Hills has new off-grid solar powered benches on its campus that provides off-grid wireless charging.
April 8, 2024/by Panel The Planet
CA, TX and FL are leading the country in solar power generation, while TX, IA and OK are the leaders in wind energy, per a new analysis.

America’s solar and wind energy hotspots, mapped

CA, TX and FL are leading the country in solar power generation, while TX, IA and OK are the leaders in wind energy, per a new analysis.
April 7, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Researchers in Italy have conducted a series of experiments to assess the quality of wheat growing under elevated agrivoltaic systems.

Wheat grows better in agrivoltaic facilities

Researchers in Italy have conducted a series of experiments to assess the quality of wheat growing under elevated agrivoltaic systems.
April 7, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Cosmic is selling its first 100 prefab ADUs starting at $279,000 that could generate enough energy to be a "power plant" for the main house.

A startup’s solar-powered backyard tiny home can help power the main house

Cosmic is selling its first 100 prefab ADUs starting at $279,000 that could generate enough energy to be a "power plant" for the main house.
April 6, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Solar, wind and battery storage accounted for nearly 95% of the capacity in transmission interconnection queues as of year-end 2023.

1100 GW solar and 1000 GW storage now await transmission interconnection

Solar, wind and battery storage accounted for nearly 95% of the capacity in transmission interconnection queues as of year-end 2023.
April 6, 2024/by Panel The Planet
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