Solar Industry News

Bridging the solar energy gap through federal assistance programs

A new technical report and other resources developed by the NREL aim to help state and local organizations address the PV access gap.

Compton church adds resiliency with rooftop solar + storage

Watts-Willowbrook Church of Christ celebrated the commissioning of a new 12-kW rooftop solar and upcoming battery storage installation.

Pope launches project to get Vatican to run solely on solar power

The Vatican has been seeking to drastically reduce its environmental impact by adopting more renewable energy sources

From planting trees to cruising in an EV, combating climate change is an American duty

If every American participates, we will turn around the economy, our neighbors’ lives and the fate of the planet.

The Pentagon’s plan to go solar: another chapter in a great American success story

Low-cost, clean power, resilience and energy security are all part of the great American success story that is solar energy.

California Energy Commission awards clean energy loan to Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians in California in Lake County to build solar photovoltaic project

The first recipient of the expanded Energy Conservation Assistance Act program is the Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California.

New research shows that solar-powered ‘resilience hubs’ in California could generate up to 8GW of power

New study in the journal Risk Analysis finds that strategically placing resilience hubs in CA could generate up to 8GW of solar energy

Renewables surpass 30% of U.S. electrical generation for the first time

In April alone, electrical generation by renewables grew by 13.5% compared to April 2023 and reached 31.0% of the U.S. total

New light-harvesting system could revolutionize solar energy, researchers claim

Researchers in Germany have developed a groundbreaking new light-harvesting system that could drive a huge leap in solar cell efficiency

Investment in solar PV is expected to surpass all other generation technologies combined with over US$500B, according to a report from IEA.

IEA: Solar PV investment to surpass all technologies combined in 2024

Investment in solar PV is expected to surpass all other generation technologies combined with over US$500B, according to a report from IEA.
June 13, 2024/by Panel The Planet
The US Department of Energy (DOE) is going to repurpose sites previously used in the nuclear weapons program into solar farms.

The US is putting enough solar to power 70,000 homes on old nuclear weapons sites

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is going to repurpose sites previously used in the nuclear weapons program into solar farms.
June 12, 2024/by Panel The Planet
The world’s biggest solar plant has come online in China, capable of powering a small country with its annual capacity of more than 6B KWh.

World’s biggest solar farm goes online, big enough to power a country

The world’s biggest solar plant has come online in China, capable of powering a small country with its annual capacity of more than 6B KWh.
June 11, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Agrivoltaics offers a promising solution to the complex task of harmonizing energy production and agriculture.

Agrivoltaics boost food & energy production in Asia

Agrivoltaics offers a promising solution to the complex task of harmonizing energy production and agriculture.
June 10, 2024/by Panel The Planet
For 55 days in a row, electricity from solar, wind, and water power exceeded 100% of power demand on CA’s main grid for part of the day.

Solar passes 100% of power demand in California

For 55 days in a row, electricity from solar, wind, and water power exceeded 100% of power demand on CA’s main grid for part of the day.
June 9, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Valencia, a city in Spain is starting to use its cemeteries to generate renewable power. The project has been dubbed RIP (Requiem in Power).

This Spanish city plans to turn its cemeteries into the country’s largest urban solar farm

Valencia, a city in Spain is starting to use its cemeteries to generate renewable power. The project has been dubbed RIP (Requiem in Power).
June 8, 2024/by Panel The Planet
SB 1374 removes a burdensome barrier and restores the ability for customers to self-consume the energy they produce on their property.

Senate passes bill to partially restore solar incentives

SB 1374 removes a burdensome barrier and restores the ability for customers to self-consume the energy they produce on their property.
June 7, 2024/by Panel The Planet
California expects to avoid rolling blackouts this summer as new solar plants and large batteries plug into the state’s grid at a rapid clip.

Battery-powered California faces lower blackout risk this summer

California expects to avoid rolling blackouts this summer as new solar plants and large batteries plug into the state’s grid at a rapid clip.
June 6, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Austrian startup has released a new double-axis tracking system for applications in agrivoltaic projects.

Austrian startup offers double-axis tracking system for agrivoltaics

Austrian startup has released a new double-axis tracking system for applications in agrivoltaic projects.
June 5, 2024/by Panel The Planet
A trio of hexagonal islands could generate solar electricity to power a process that accelerates coral growth.

Solar-powered floating islands could help to regrow coral reefs

A trio of hexagonal islands could generate solar electricity to power a process that accelerates coral growth.
June 4, 2024/by Panel The Planet
J.P. Morgan made the tax equity investment, comprised of production tax credit and investment tax credit assets available through the IRA.

J.P. Morgan commits $680 million tax equity financing for solar and storage

J.P. Morgan made the tax equity investment, comprised of production tax credit and investment tax credit assets available through the IRA.
June 3, 2024/by Panel The Planet
PepsiCo has completed a new green energy initiative by installing photovoltaic panels at three sites in Romania.

PepsiCo invests USD 2M in photovoltaic panels at Romanian sites

PepsiCo has completed a new green energy initiative by installing photovoltaic panels at three sites in Romania.
June 2, 2024/by Panel The Planet
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