Solar Industry News

The roads of the future could be sources of photovoltaic energy
A study published in the journal Earth’s Future presents a futuristic vision of transforming highways & major roads into sources of PV energy
August 28, 2024/by Panel The Planet
How warehouses and shopping centers could produce 25% of Australia’s power
Warehouses, commercial areas, shopping centers and factories are perfect for solar and battery power stations.
August 28, 2024/by Panel The Planet
‘China’s first large-scale offshore PV project’ ready for operation
The booster station for China’s first large-scale, pile-fixed deep-water offshore PV project has been energized for the first time.
August 27, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Solar concentrators improve photocatalytic wastewater treatment efficiency
A recent review article comprehensively explored how solar concentrators can enhance the efficiency of photocatalytic wastewater treatment.
August 27, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Maldives tenders 10 MW of floating photovoltaics (PV) in Addu city
Maldives has issued an invitation to tender for the installation of 10 MWp grid-connected floating solar PV systems in Addu city.
August 26, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Validated simulations optimize solar power generation with row-crop agriculture
A Purdue University team optimized corn yields in solar-powered fields by managing dynamic shadows cast by solar arrays throughout the day.
August 26, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Check out the ‘world’s first’ DC-to-DC solar-powered EV charger
California-based Enteligent is accepting pre-orders for what it claims is the world’s first DC-to-DC solar-powered EV charger.
August 25, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Renewables producing more energy than coal in the US for the first time
For the first time, it appears that solar and wind renewables will produce more energy in the US than coal for the year.
August 25, 2024/by Panel The Planet
EIA expects 62.8 GW to come online in 2024, led by solar, energy storage
The Energy Information Administration expects power plant developers and owners will add 62.8 GW this year in the United States
August 24, 2024/by Panel The Planet
California pioneers new ways to ease interconnection of large DERs
The LGP option will be the 1st state-wide implementation of emerging “flexible interconnection” innovations for distribution system resources
August 23, 2024/by Panel The Planet
A solar and battery project will grow next to a garden in National City
A community garden in National City will benefit by receiving a portion of $1.2M from the annual Community Clean Energy Grant awards program.
August 23, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Turning California’s oil fields into energy storage sites
Premier Resource Management LLC is transforming a 560-acre former oil reservoir in the San Joaquin Valley into a geothermal power plant that also stores renewable energy
August 23, 2024/by Panel The Planet
Solar device makes 20L drinking water a day from seawater with 93% efficiency
The new technology could revolutionize desalination by offering a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to traditional methods.
Batteries power California’s newly reliable grid
Amid 100°F heat, California avoided emergencies, thanks to a battery boom that now bolsters the nation’s top solar power producer.
US solar power booms under Biden
A report published by the SEIA and Wood Mackenzie highlights how effective the administration has been in advancing solar power in the US.
Assessing viability of agrivoltaics in corn fields
Researchers from Purdue University have studied the impact of traditional photovoltaic systems and agrivoltaics deployed in corn croplands.
US solar sector tops 31 GW of module manufacturing in Q2
The US now has more than 31 GW of solar module manufacturing capacity, almost four times more than before the IRA was passed in 2022.
Solar farms have a superpower beyond clean energy
The sites fight climate change and can help with another global crisis: the collapse of nature. But so far, efforts to nurture wildlife habitat have been spotty.
BLM’s solar plan: Balancing efficiency, flexibility, & conservation
The BLM’s updated Western Solar Plan will guide solar energy siting and development across 11 western states for the next decade.
US clean energy jobs growth rate double that of overall jobs, report says
Jobs in the U.S. clean energy industry in 2023 grew at more than double the rate of the country’s overall jobs
Solar PV flooring for residential, commercial use
Turkey-based Ankara Solar Energy launched its own brand of walkable PV flooring for residential and commercial projects.