Making hay (and solar power) while the sun shines

As the deployment of solar energy continues to accelerate, American farmers are finding new opportunities to share the benefits

Farmworker Appreciation Day is a celebration of the men and women whose labor feeds America, sustains our global leadership in agricultural exports, and produces many of the fuels and materials that are driving our transition to a clean energy economy. At the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), we’re especially excited by the growing collaboration between American agriculture and our clean energy industries. As the deployment of solar energy continues to accelerate, American farmers are finding new opportunities to share the benefits—and, in some cases, the land.

Renewable energy siting can be a complex process in which both public and private entities weigh the costs and benefits of new renewable energy deployments in a particular location. Developing renewable energy infrastructure that can share space with other forms of production can help resolve certain siting challenges. That is why agrivoltaics, or the co-location of solar energy infrastructure with productive farmland, is such a promising method of renewable energy deployment.

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Source: Clean Technica

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